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What is UCLA Events Online?

UCLA Events Online (EOL) is a web-based notification, communication, and authorization system for extracurricular events on UCLA properties. UCLA venue managers and event organizers can get their events authorized, review university policies, and receive important notifications.

Why should I register for EOL?

UCLA's Time, Place, and Manner (TPM) Policies mandate that events meeting certain criteria must be registered in EOL for administrative review and authorization. EOL ensures that events adhere to appropriate policies and guidelines while also notifying impacted campus parties, minimizing risks and protecting everyone involved. 

Who can use EOL?

EOL is used by venue management staff, event organizers, and campus safety facilitators. The venue management staff (“the venue scheduler”) initiates EOL registration to ensure the event's location and time are properly scheduled. After this, the event organizer ("the EOL applicant”) enters the event details for review and authorization by campus officials.

Major Events vs. Organized Events

Based on UCLA Time, Place and Manner policies, all pre-scheduled events on UCLA properties fall into two categories — an organized event (Policy 860) or a major event (Policy 862). (Note that spontaneous or unscheduled activities for the purpose of public expression are not categorized as events, and are subject to Policy 852: Public Expression Activities). 

Major events differ from organized events in that the event is likely to significantly affect campus safety or services and/or has a substantial likelihood of interfering with other campus functions or activities. All determinations for categorizing an event as a major event are made in a content-neutral manner based on clear and consistent policy criteria.